2023 Data
As we walk alongside youth, we track a number of outputs and outcomes that help us gauge our impact.

98% of our participants report having a trusted adult to whom they could go with a problem, over 30% points greater than peers.
(Search Institute, CDPHE 2021)
youth served
drop-in visits
mentoring sessions
connections to supportive services
experiential learning outings
self-identified youth goals achieved
100% of our participants reported that Stepping Stones has a strong culturally-responsive environment.
(Search Institute, CDPHE 2021)
Our Youth
average age = 15
Depth of Engagement
Race & Ethnicity
Data from 2023
“Stepping Stones feels like a welcoming home when I’m not feeling my best filled with people who are there for me.”
- Youth Participant
“To me, Stepping Stones means a safe space, away from all the havoc of the outside. It’s a place where you are free to be yourself, without worrying about any judgment.”
- Young Adult Participant
“Stepping Stones feels like my second home where I can have fun and get distracted from school. It feels like a safe place for all of us.”
- Youth Participant
“Stepping Stones means community.”
- Young Adult Program Staff
“I am the mother of a Stepping Stones participant. I want to thank the program for allowing my son to be part of it, for giving him the opportunity to be a member of the community. I have received so much help from Stepping Stones, financially and in moral support. My son has received a lot of help to raise his grades and has improved his behavior and attitude.
Not to mention the kind and dedicated staff that are always available and willing to help. Even if they can’t provide the solution they find someone who can and they are always responsive. I thank all the people who make it possible for this program to remain open, help us with our young people to keep them busy discovering their skills and to be productive in the future. Thank you for helping the community.”
- Mother of a participant involved in Stepping Stones for seven years
*Note: names have been omitted, and this has been translated from Spanish.
“When I first started at Stepping Stones I had recently moved schools due to intense bullying. I struggled to make friends at my new school and felt there was nowhere I belonged. At Stepping Stones I began to play Dungeons and Dragons which is something I have always wanted to play but never had the chance… Through this, I found people who have similar interests as me and was able to expand my social circle. I can be completely myself at Stepping Stones. Stepping Stones have also supported me through some very challenging mental health struggles I have faced. I know that they are kind and supportive people which makes reaching out for help feel safe… I am a transgender person and all the staff has been wonderful at using my preferred name and pronouns. It really makes me feel seen and like I don’t have to hide that part of myself.”
- Young Adult Program participant and Peer Mentor
*Note: this individual works in a paid staff position providing direct service support for the Youth Program