Youth Mentoring
The core of our model is strong, long-term relationships with positive adults. These supportive mentoring relationships act as a protective factor. Youth with strong mentoring relationships have reduced risk of substance use and suicide, improved mental health outcomes, educational achievement, and physical health. (Bruce et al., 2014; Herrera et al., 2013; CDHE 2017)
Safe Space
Our drop-in centers are open year round, five days per week. We also run extended hours on holidays and when school is not in session. We serve over 360 youth participants and offer over 6,000 meals each year.

Crisis Response
In collaboration with our youth and families, we develop asset-based plans to ensure participants’ needs are met, from housing security to immigration support. Our staff supports youth through crises like mental health concerns, housing instability, or the loss of a caregiver.
Basic Needs Services
We provide daily meals, transportation, laundry, showers, clothing, emergency housing assistance, and more. Each year, we distribute $10,000+ worth of food, and $20,000+ in emergency family assistance to cover rent, medical bills, therapy, or scholarships.
Educational Support
We help at-risk youth remain engaged, collaborate closely with local schools, and offer tutoring to participants. We facilitate support groups in local schools 5 days per week, including life skills groups, substance use prevention, LGBTQ+ support, and more.
Skill Development
Our staff works with each participant to identify & pursue goals, like securing stable employment or reducing substance use. Each year, our youth successfully complete 400+ self-identified goals in the areas of housing, employment, education, social-emotional skills, resiliency, health/wellness, substance use, justice system, and family engagement. These goals help youth feel a sense of self-efficacy, and serve to develop consequential thinking.

Community Connections
We forge linkages with employment, therapy, athletics, and more to help youth thrive. We facilitate 350+ connections to supportive services each year.
Experiential Activities
We offering 100 experiential learning outings each year, including yoga, trail maintenance, skiing, rock climbing, paddleboarding, arts activities, museum visits, service learning, and more. Our staff uses these outings to empower youth with challenging but supported experiences through which they build self-confidence, resilience, and pro-social skills.
Mental Health Services
We offer free, on-site therapy in English and Spanish for participants and family members. We also support participants’ through mentoring sessions and youth goals focused on mental health.